Since time immemorial,man has had a certain kind of fixation with predicting the future.We predict every moment,every day and every year.Some will draw a purely statistical inference from the past.A rare few of them will entrust
neural nets and genetic algorithms to do that job. Some will be paid for weaving their esteemed intuition into their vision.Some will simply paint their favourite picture and be fanatic about it.Some will consult the stars,astrologers and Gods(apologies for mentioning the three in the same breadth).A few will announce something apparently incoherent and then initiate forces towards realisation. But I this is my take on how this eccentric,moody man sporting dark sunglasses -Mr Future looks like:
Language: No colloquial word will be longer than more than seven syllables.The number of chat acronyms in the oxford dictionary will be closing in on the rest of the words.Kindergarten exam papers will ask you to expand ASAP,BRB,etc. USA might go in for its own official alphabet and phonetic system which will be readily adopted by the rest of the world and my descendants vill raaete der haart out.Spellchecks will become obsolete.Calligraphy courses will be highly sought after as hand-writing will be as aesthetically pleasing as painting.
Sexuality:Gay and lesbian rights will be recognized all over the world. Religious texts will look absurd for their opposition.New sects and religions which support homosexuality will take birth and flourish. As women get more independent and powerful,they will take a more conscious and thoughtful approach towards things and somewhere down the line,population would stop growing.India too like Germany and Australia will offer incentives for having children.
Religion: Richard Dawkins says,"We are evolving irrespective of religion.Things like gay rights and gender equality have been clearly and vehemently opposed in the Bible and other texts.This evolution will continue through novels,editorials and blogs.We will all evolve,though at our own individual pace."So,as we proceed,religion will reduce itself to a dimension of life that must be preserved as a legacy and our actual belief system will heavily contrast the sacred texts.This fact might provoke a few of us to think that most of humanity is engaged in blasphemy and that liberalism should be renounced.So,here's the hard irony,fundamentalism is not only here to stay,but to grow and flourish.
I could have chosen to deliberate on technology as well but I strongly agree with Kevin Kelly that technology is a species on its own right,deserving a post of its own.Besides,it is still language,sexuality and religion which form the fundamental bonds between individuals.
If my predictions ever come true,I hope Blogger's servers would still be holding this post.
Lets get back to the future.
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